Winter is just around the corner, which could well translate into a high electricity bill to keep your house well-heated.
To help keep your bills down, here are a few intelligent and effective tips:
Check for cracks in doors and windows
While it’s always advisable to keep a check on doors and windows for cracks, this becomes crucial during winter when cold air can invariably seep into your house through untended openings.
Use curtains
Curtains come in handy. Not only for ensuring privacy from an outsider’s gaze or decorative purposes, but also for providing your windows with a layer of insulation, trapping the heat inside for longer.
Use double-glazed or triple-glazed windows
The additional layer(s) of glass would help retain the heat inside and prevent it from quickly dissipating out of your house. Installing extra panes of glass on your windows might sound expensive, but it will save you on your electricity bills in the long run.
Spread out your furniture to create room for warm air to circulate
When you put your sofas and tables in the middle of your living space, you inevitably block the warm air inside your room from spreading evenly all over the space. Instead, the warm air gets absorbed by all the heavy furniture in the center and leaves your body cold.
So give a shot at arranging your furniture in a spread-out manner this winter. Not only would your body end up warmer, but you’ll be left with more options to move about since every area would be contained with, more or less, the same heat.
Install thick insulation for heat to circulate inside home
Without you noticing, a significant amount of heat can be lost through un-insulated ceilings and walls. We’d advise you to insulate the ceiling of your loft with at least 25 centimeters of the insulation layer.
As far as walls are concerned, cavity-wall insulation comes in handy. Although this type of insulation is more expensive than loft insulation, the amount of money you’ll save on your electricity bills would end up being significantly higher in the long run.
Explore your heating options–and use them in the most sustainable manner
With the tremendous progress in heating appliances we have made so far, we have some great choices in front of us, but not necessarily the wisdom required to use them in a sustainable and sensible conjunction with each other.
Take the electric blanket for instance. There are differing opinions on the use of this one, but we will suggest you heat it up for about 40 minutes, and then switch it off and spend the rest of the night under its comfortable warmth.
Unless you’re living in Antarctica, the blanket should cool down only to the room temperature over the course of the night. There’s no need to keep the blanket on all night; in fact, such constant supply of heat can lead to sleep problems. Furthermore, the use of electric blanket should also make you switch off your central heating for the night.
Use radiator panels to reflect heat back into the room
Radiator panels ensure that your heater heats your room and not merely warms your walls. The corrugated surfaces of radiators reflect heat back into your room in the same manner that the corrugated panels in a recording studio reflect back sound. Also, radiator panels are not very bulky in size, easy to install and easy on the pocket.
Keep your fireplace and chimneys well-cleaned and well-maintained
You might be losing out on getting the maximum output from your fireplace due to poor maintenance. You also might be losing a lot of heat via the chimney, again due to poor servicing.
Call professionals for fireplace and chimney service when it comes to keeping your fireplace and chimney clean and working efficiently.