Wood vs. Gas – What’s Best for You?

In the segments discussed below, we clarify the contrasts between the wood and gas fireplaces with the goal that you can settle on a well-informed decision for your home.

Level of convenience

There are obvious differences in lighting a gas fire versus a wood fire. For the wood fire, the initial step involves leaving a bed of cinders from the last fire, about 1 to 2 inches thick. This allows the fire to be hotter while insulating the firebox. After that, any blockage inside the chimney has to be removed, otherwise, a lit fire would fill up the room with smoke. Once the fire has been laid, it is vital to open the damper and prime the flue prior before the fire is lit.

For a gas fire, the initial step is to check for debris and cleanliness. Foreign flammable material can burst into flames if this is not done. To light the fire, just turn the ignition switch on.


Energy efficiency is vital when considering the kind of fireplace you want, and there can be a striking contrast. A conventional wood-burning fireplace is not efficient enough to heat a room, 10 percent on average. If a room is insulated poorly, gaps present in the insulation can allow the chimney to draft in cold air.

A gas-burning fireplace is considerably more effective. A one-pipe vent model can offer 50 percent efficiency whereas a two-pipe vent model provides 70 percent efficiency. A direct-vent gas fireplace performs even better than that—around 90 percent efficiency.


Wood fireplaces offer a natural experience due to the noise and smell of the burning logs. For some individuals, this is the major reason for choosing a wood-burning fireplace instead of a gas-burning one.

A gas fireplace provides the vibe of dancing flames and glowing logs, but there isn’t any sound unless added artificially. But they don’t leave behind any odors on garments as wood ones do.

Safety concerns

Leaving a wood-burning unattended is not safe, because even when the fire seems to be dead and the ashes appear cold, a fire can begin from some hidden ember. Someone must keep an eye on it at all times.

In the case of gas fireplaces, the glass doors can get as hot as 400 degrees and need at least 45 minutes for cooling down. Also, a childproof screen must be installed if there are children at home.

Are you planning to install a fireplace at home? For all kinds of chimney and fireplace solutions in Hamilton, get in touch with our experts at Rusty’s Fire Place & Chimney.

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